Water and structuration of soft food and pharmaceutical materials
Water and structuration of soft food and pharmaceutical materials
ISOPOW is a Standing Committee of IUFoST
Symposium ISOPOW XIV August 24-28, 2019.
ISOPOW is a non-profit scientific organisation whose activities aim at progressing the understanding of the properties of water in food and related biological systems, and the exploitation of this understanding in improved raw materials, products and processes in the food, agrofood or related industries.
Historical Background, Objectives and Scope
The first Symposium was organised in Glasgow , Scotland in 1974, with the pioneering initiative of the late Pr. Ron B. Duckworth and of Dr. Lou Rockland. Since then, ISOPOW meetings promoted the exchange of knowledge between scientists involved in the study of food materials and scientists interested in water from a more basic point of view and the dialogue between academic and industrial scientists/technologists. The comprehension of the properties of water in foods, enriched by approaches from polymer and materials sciences, and by the advances of analytical techniques, made us to detect unsolved questions and the need to go deeply into them. Food materials, biological and pharmaceutical scientists have recognised that water plays an important role on the structure, functionality and stability of biomaterials. The ubiquitous water molecules are small and simple, but they develop complex interactions and present unusual properties for unprepared observers. We thus aim to overlap areas of different fields of research, which have in common problems faced by how and why water behaves as it does.
All organized under the auspices of IUFoST, 11 previous meetings have been held in various locations reflecting the world-wide dimension of ISOPOW. Most of them have resulted in the publication of books.
The symposia are organized so as to bring the participants under conditions conducive to the greatest possible degree of intellectual interaction:
-all people (speakers and attendees) under the same roof,
-speakers invited to stay for the whole symposium duration,
-limited nuber of attendees,
-limited number of oral presentations.
Exhibitions of posters are organized. Sessions are dedicated to the presentation and discussion of posters selected from the submitted abstracts.
Membership of the ISOPOW is open to Individuals, with an interest and commitment to support and progress the objectives of ISOPOW. Current members will be considered as those who have attended previous ISOPOW Symposia or Practica.